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Rep. Gaetz Rips FBI Cyber Director Who Claims He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is.

todayMarch 30, 2022 93

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Division Assistant Director revealed the agency is unaware of the location of Hunter Biden’s laptop and failed to assess whether or not the first son’s hard drive – which reveals countless business deals and personal relationships with America’s adversaries – contained information comprising America’s national security.

The revelation came during a line of questioning from Congressman Matt Gaetz, who inquired with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Bryan Vorndran for details about the laptop of President Joe Biden’s son.

Unearthed emails, texts, and photos from replicas of the original hard drive have revealed Hunter Biden’s business dealings, often involving President Joe Biden, with countries including China and Ukraine.

“I want to know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is. Where is it,” inquired the Florida Congressman.

“I don’t know that answer,” replied Vorndran.

“Has FBI Cyber assessed whether or not Hunter Biden’s laptop could be a point of vulnerability, allowing America’s enemies to hurt our country,” continued Rep. Gaetz before the FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director attempted to explain why such an investigation would not fall under his purview.

“In December 2019, they turned over this laptop to the FBI, and now what you’re telling me right here is that as the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber, you don’t know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago,” asked Rep. Gaetz, prompting Vorndran to concede, “yes sir, that is an accurate statement.”

The FBI official was also unaware if anyone from the FBI would have answers to the questions posed by Rep. Gaetz.

MUST READ:  Biden: ‘There’s Going to Be a New World Order’.

During the hearing, “contents from, files from, and copies from the Hunter Biden laptop” were also submitted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Gaetz.

The renewed interest in the contents of the President’s son’s laptop come amidst The National Pulse unearthing emails linking Hunter Biden to Ukrainian biological laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Defense to work on “especially dangerous pathogens.”


CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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