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Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak Demands Nearly $1 TRILLION To Fund ‘Pandemic Prevention’ Efforts.

todayApril 16, 2022 57

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EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak – who used research grants administered by Anthony Fauci to collaborate with the Wuhan Institute of Virology – has demanded that President Joe Biden invest nearly $1 trillion into “pandemic prevention,” at cost to the American taxpayer.

Daszak, born and educated in the United Kingdom, is infamous for his work with Chinese Communist Party collaborators at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and the subsequent cover-up of COVID-19’s origins.

Now, the disgraced scientist is demanding the U.S. taxpayer shoulder the burden of protecting against his work manipulating “killer” pathogens by funding new “protections” to the tune of nearly one trillion dollars over the coming years.

The sizable ask is made in a new opinion editorial published by Fortune magazine, and comes amidst ongoing scrutiny over Daszak’s research in conjunction with the Chinese lab suspected by many as being responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak.

Despite this, Daszak is doubling down with his calls for earmarking massive amounts of U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund his research purportedly aimed at “pandemic prevention.”

“The Biden administration clearly needs to invest much more money to prevent and prepare for another pandemic,” Daszak and his three co-authors explain in their April 11th op-ed, “Here’s how much the Biden administration should be investing in infrastructure to prevent another pandemic.”

Daszak proposes an initial investment worth over $500 billion, which would ultimately be increased to $829 billion with “annual investments to maintain capacity”:

Under reasonable assumptions, our analysis predicts maximum gains arise from an initial investment of $511 billion, followed by a steady increase of up to $829 billion and supported by annual investments to maintain capacity. The returns to these investments would range between $9-$15 in benefits per dollar invested. Altogether, our proposed investments in capacity could generate up to $10.4 trillion in expected avoided damages to society, as well as avoiding immeasurable human suffering.

“The U.S. should invest far more in building capacity to both prevent pandemics and be able to adapt to them should they occur. These additional resources would help to prevent the next pandemic by making it possible to detect novel outbreaks early on and use contact tracing to target and rush a response,” continue the authors, parroting talking points used by Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance prior to the onset of COVID-19.

MUST READ:  REVEALED: Who Picked Peter Daszak As A COVID Investigator? The Chinese Communist Party, Of Course.

Daszak’s demands for nearly one trillion dollars from American taxpayers also comes shortly after his critical role in quashing inquiries into COVID-19’s potential lab origins in his capacity as an investigator for the World Health Organization (WHO). New revelations from Vanity Fair suggest the Chinese Communist Party itself tapped him for the role.

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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