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Google Funded a Leading ‘Lab Leak’ Denier.

todayApril 22, 2022 57

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Google funded research conducted by a leading signatory of the controversial Lancet journal letter, which prematurely dismissed the theory that COVID-19 originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, The National Pulse can reveal.

The unearthed financial ties between EcoHealth Alliance and Google follow months of big tech censorship of stories and individuals in support of the COVID-19 “lab leak” theory, especially on Google subsidiaries such as YouTube.

The Google-backed researcher, Charles Calisher, played a critical role in the cover-up of COVID-19’s origins through his involvement with a February 2020 Lancet statement – which concluded that COVID-19 occurred naturally, in animals.

The statement was leveraged by politicians, scientists, and the corporate media to silence further discussion over the origins of the virus, and the now-infamous Wuhan laboratory in China.

Mounting evidence and accounts from intelligence officials across the world suggest the virus actually traces its origins to the Chinese Communist Party-run lab.

Charles Calisher – professor of microbiology at Colorado State University and the top of nearly 30 individuals who signed the Lancet letter – received funding from, the philanthropic arm of the tech behemoth, for a paper from June 2011 published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

The study – “Rapid Molecular Strategy for Orbivirus Detection and Characterization” – analyzed different methods of identifying orbiviruses, focusing on the use of the PCR method.

“Orbiviruses infect a wide range of hosts, including humans. The ability to detect them has been hampered by their diversity. Here we present a simple consensus reverse transcription (RT)-PCR method targeting the polymerase gene for orbivirus recognition and characterization,” explains a summary.

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“Use of this technology is anticipated to provide insight into the appearance and distribution of known and novel orbiviruses, to rapidly identify them, and to enhance a rapid response to these and other emerging pathogens,” it continues.

The study discloses that it was “supported by” in addition to funds from the National Institutes of Health and United States Agency for International Development (USAID.)”Charles H. Calisher was supported by,” clarifies the funding section.

The revelation comes amidst unearthed ties between another Lancet statement signatory and prominent “lab leak” denier Peter Daszak and The National Pulse previously unearthed a decade-long relationship between the tech company and Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, including on work related to bat coronaviruses in China.

Internal emails from Calisher obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request also show that Calisher privately telling colleagues that it was impossible to “definitively state that the virus could not possibly have come from that lab.”

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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