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Joy-Ann Reid says ‘white Christian* nationalism” consumed GOP

todayMay 11, 2022 58

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Leftist MSNBC host Joy Reid claimed in a tweet on Tuesday that the GOP aims to gain power throughout the government and block out LGBTQ and non-white voices except for individuals who uphold the idea that “white Christian dominion” is the foundation of the nation.

“The goal of the Republican Party today, is it to seize control of every level of government, to lock out voices of color & LGBTQ voices except those who conform to their demand that history and education uplift white Christian dominion as the one true bedrock of America,” Reid tweeted.

She went on to claim that “white Christian* nationalism” has consumed the GOP and is impacting governmental institutions throughout society.

“This Dominionism — this white Christian* nationalism — is cultish, sometimes violent, ugly and cruel. It has swallowed the Republican Party whole, it dominates the Supreme Court, and it’s rolling over our state legislatures, school boards, congress and governors mansions,” she asserted.

“We’re all about to lose so many rights; so fast, most people won’t know what hit them, until it’s too late,” Reid tweeted. “Fascism isn’t a game, y’all. It’s real. And it’s in America, sometimes dressed as a kooky personality cult or carrying a confederate flag… and not enough people are fighting it,” she added. “And the first casualty will be women, who are about to find out what ‘big government’ really looks like, thanks to the Christian nationalist majority on the Supreme Court and the Republicans who are licking their chops at taking over the House and especially the Senate.”

On her show earlier this year, Reid claimed that the Republican Party desires “a white nationalist autocracy” within America.

Reid said in a tweet on Monday that the pro-life movement should instead be referred to as “a forced birth movement.”

“There is no ‘pro life movement.’ Pro-life would be pro-healthcare, school lunches for hungry kids and mercy for migrants fleeing literal death. Pro-life would fight poverty and fund kids education and kids and maternal healthcare. Call them what they are: a forced birth movement,” Reid declared.

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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