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Connecticut high school installed tampon dispenser in boys’ bathroom, students ripped it down in 20 minutes

todayFebruary 2, 2024 23

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A state-mandated tampon dispenser was installed inside a boys’ bathroom at a Connecticut high school. Much to the chagrin of menstrual equity advocates, the female hygiene product dispenser was ripped down quicker than the runtime of your favorite television sitcom. The menstrual product dispenser was decimated within 20 minutes, which caused the school principal to feel “disgusted.”

Around 9:30 a.m. last Wednesday, a tampon dispenser was installed in the boys’ bathroom at Brookfield High School. By 9:52 a.m., the female hygiene product dispenser was torn down.

Brookfield High Principal Marc Balanda sent an email to the school’s staff and students that read, “A dispenser with menstrual products was installed in the boys bathroom near the (main office). The installation was completed at 9:30 (a.m.). By 9:52 (a.m.), tampons were on the floor, the newly installed distribution box was ripped off the wall along with the masonry anchors, and the distribution box itself was destroyed.”

The fuming principal said the act was an “egregious instance of vandalism and destruction of property.” He added that he was “disheartened” and “dismayed” over the destroyed tampon dispenser.

Balanda vowed that there would be “consequences” for the vandal or vandals. He claimed that the school had a “list of suspects” and added that the vandalism was the “work of immature boys, not men.”

Brookfield Schools Superintendent John Barile told the News-Times that the dispenser issue “has since been addressed with the student.” Barile did not provide any further details and did not disclose whether it was a single student or multiple students.

“This is an issue of vandalism/destruction of property,” Barile added. “Law enforcement is typically not involved in situations of vandalism/destruction of property unless the act rises to a much higher level of property destruction. The school is seeking restitution.”

Balanda told high school students, “Use your words to start a dialogue rather than using your hands to destroy something. In this particular instance, if you have questions, please let me know.”

Balanda declared that the female hygiene products dispenser would be reinstalled in the boys’ bathroom.

The menstrual product dispenser was installed as mandated by a relatively new Connecticut law that states:

On and after September 1, 2024, each local and regional board of education shall provide free menstrual products, as defined in section 18-69e, in women’s restrooms, all-gender restrooms and at least one men’s restroom, which restrooms are accessible to students in grades three to twelve, inclusive, in each school under the jurisdiction of such boards and in a manner that does not stigmatize any student seeking such products, pursuant to guidelines established by the Commissioner of Public Health under section 19a-131l.

The guidance urges school districts to “accept donations of menstrual products and grants from any source for the purpose of purchasing such products, and partner with a nonprofit or community-based organization.”

According to CT Insider, “The reasoning behind the new law is that trans and intersex students can have access to sanitary products if they need them.”

An article published in 2002 on the website of the U.S. National Library of Medicine — part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health — stated that “intersex is seen to be about 0.018%.”

Menstrual products dispenser in boys bathroom at Brookfield High School

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Written by: TNT Radio

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