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Joe Biden’s Private Economic Adviser Revealed His ‘Enormous Respect’ For Chinese Communists as He Collaborated With a Key CCP Propaganda Group.

todayFebruary 23, 2022 32

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Lawrence Summers – a director of former President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council turned advisor to President Joe Biden – has collaborated with the Chinese Communist Party’s premier foreign influence group, flagged for its efforts to “influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing,” The National Pulse can reveal.

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Summers – a fixture in the Democratic Party who also served as former President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury – is the latest high-profile government official to enter the orbit of the Chinese Communist Party’s premier foreign influence group: the China United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF).

CUSEF is part of Beijing’s United Front Work Department, which the U.S. government has flagged as a subversive effort to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing.”

CUSEF has deployed this tactic on American journalists and former Congressmen, offering free trips to the country in exchange for “favorable coverage,” according to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings. The trips function as part of a broader effort to “effectively disseminate positive messages to the media, key influencers and opinion leaders, and the general public” regarding the Chinese Communist Party.

Summers, also the former Chief Economist of the World Bank and President of Harvard University, recently participated in an interview with The China Current, a show launched by CUSEF in 2019. During the interview, he praised the Chinese Communist Party as a “one-party state that has produced economic miracles for the last 40 years.”

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The interview was also featured in CUSEF’s quarterly journal: China-U.S. Focus.

China-U.S. Focus.

Summers has been unofficially advising members of the Biden White House since the early days of the former veep’s campaign. The Washington Post reported that President Biden has continued to discuss economic matters with Summers, including a private phone call in June 2021 concerning inflation and infrastructure.

“Biden made the call as the White House is weighing critical decisions on the economy, including how much and whether to trim a far-reaching infrastructure plan in response to Republican demands. The conversation also unfolded against the backdrop of warnings from Summers and others that Biden’s spending plans present a risk of inflation and an overheating economy.”

Summers has publicly criticized President Biden’s heavy-handed approach to government spending, cautioning that the White House’s infrastructure agenda would lead to inflation.

Summers has collaborated with other United Front influence groups, including the Center for China Globalization. Speaking in an hour-long global dialogue with the think tank’s president, Summers divulged: “I have learned to have enormous respect for China and for Chinese policymakers.”

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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