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‘Burn, little Jesus freaks! Burn, burn, burn!’ Anti-abortion group gets chilling death threats on voicemail after Molotov cocktail attack

todayMay 14, 2022 100

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A Wisconsin anti-abortion group received a series of chilling death threats on voicemail after a
Molotov cocktail attack damaged its headquarters last weekend. One of messages came courtesy of a sinister character who sang “Burn, Jesus freaks! Burn, burn, burn!”

What are the details?

Wisconsin Family Action was targeted after a Supreme Court decision draft overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked May 2.

First came the Molotov cocktail attack, which resulted in fire damage; also a spray-painted message outside the offices read, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t, either.”

Later death threats and other vile messages were left on WFA voicemail, CBN News reported.

One woman asked if the attack was due to arson or “the good Lord” showing the group “an example of hell,” as that’s where the “misogynistic” WFA should be.

One man left a message saying that “you’re all going to burn … you’re following the f***ing devil” and that “I hope you all burn … that’s what you deserve.”

Another man declared that “whoever set that fire is a true American patriot. You people are just utter filth of the planet. And it’s too bad your whore mothers didn’t abort each and every last one of you. Hopefully, you all get cancer …”

Another guy sadistically sang, “Burn, little Jesus freaks! Burn, burn, burn!”

Wisconsin Family Action’s mission is “to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values” in the state by “strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life, and liberty.” Specifically it backs “the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception through natural death. This includes opposing legislation that promotes the destruction of human life – which starts at conception – through abortion and other means.”

Anything else?

Madison police are investigating claims reportedly from a group called “Jane’s Revenge” that it’s responsible for the arson at Wisconsin Family Action, Fox News reported.

A statement attributed to the group announced additional impending violence against pro-life groups, the cable network said: “This was only a warning. We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics, and violent anti-choice groups within the next thirty days. This is not a mere ‘difference of opinion,’ as some have framed it. We are literally fighting for our lives. We will not sit still while we are killed and forced into servitude.”

The statement added that “next time the infrastructure of the enslavers will not survive. Medical imperialism will not face a passive enemy. Wisconsin is the first flashpoint, but we are all over the US, and we will issue no further warnings,” Fox News said.

Life News)

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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