Russell Quirk and Aisling O’Loughlin on Locked and Loaded with Rick Munn – 16 August 2024
GUEST OVERVIEW - Russell Quirk is a Political commentator for TV/radio and also a newspaper reviewer. He is also a property expert and co-founder of ProperPR.
GUEST OVERVIEW - Russell Quirk is a Political commentator for TV/radio and also a newspaper reviewer. He is also a property expert and co-founder of ProperPR.
GUEST OVERVIEW: Dr. Jerome Corsi is a political commentator and author of over 30 books on politics and economics - best known for his New York Times best-sellers, "Unfit for Command" (2004) and "The Obama Nation" (2008), which presented critical views on Democratic presidential candidates. Corsi holds a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard University and has written on a wide range of subjects, including politics and finance. His career […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: John Beckner is a political commentator. GUEST OVERVIEW: Tom Harris is from the Free Speech Union. GUEST OVERVIEW: Paul McGowan is an artist and social commentator who has been cancelled many times by the mainstream media. Addressing emotive issues, his works often provoke strong reactions. He studied art at Falmouth, Winchester and Bath School of Art.
X: @GeorgeSzamuely GUEST OVERVIEW: Dr George Szamuely is a senior research fellow at Global Policy Institute (London). He has written for innumerable publications and is author of "Bombs for Peace: NATO's Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia". X: @MartinRJay GUEST OVERVIEW: Martin Jay is an award-winning journalist and founder of Maghrebi which provides English language reporting in the Arab Maghreb Union countries. His career has spanned over 30 years which has seen him […]