GUEST OVERVIEW: Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist, physician, author and political commentator. He is the original inventor of mRNA vaccination and DNA vaccination as technology platforms, and holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents. He has about 1-- peer-reviewed publications and over 14,000 citations for his work. Dr. Malone has been a thought leader during the COVID era, including bringing attention to the faulty testing and the […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: Billy Te Kahika is a New Zealand Māori, international blues guitarist, businessman and former political candidate. He attracted national and international media coverage both as the leader of the New Zealand Public Party and for his stance on the New Zealand Government’s lockdown restrictions in response to COVID-19. Billy has been harassed by the New Zealand Government and media for his views. He is a family man, pastor […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: Jonathon Moseley is a January 6th attorney. GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Mike Netter, Vice Chair of Rebuild California and KABC Radio Host is a veteran of distribution, sales and marketing. He is now applying his business expertise to state politics to create a powerful team of volunteers and allied organizations to further the cause of conservatism in the State of California. Mike helped spearhead the effort to recall Gavin […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: With more than 20 years of experience in campaigns and political advertising, Dustin Olson has managed or consulted for campaigns and organizations throughout the country at all levels. He has a reputation for hard work, originality, and making things happen. Olson’s campaigns are known for FOCUS… on strategy, on message, on targeting, on identifying supporters, on goals and metrics, and on massive turnout. The number one aspect that […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: Professor David Miller is a Bristol University Professor and academic expert on Islamophobia. GUEST OVERVIEW: Michael Rivero is a Host of What Really Happened.
GUEST OVERVIEW: Jacob Nordangård is a Swedish researcher, author, and musician known for his work on various topics including sustainability, technology, and social change. He holds a Ph.D. in Technology and Social Change from Linköping University and has been involved in academia as well as public debate. Nordangård has written on subjects such as the political history of biofuels in the European Union, the role of the Rockefeller family in […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: A.W. Finnegan is a researcher and writer affected by Lyme disease and immune tolerance whose new book is THE SLEEPER AGENT: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare. It documents the secret history of biological warfare fought between global superpowers since the Spanish Flu of 1918, the bioweapons of Erich Traub, and the weaponized ticks, Lyme Disease, and many incapacitating […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: James Howard Kunstler is an American writer, social critic, public speaker, and blogger. He is best known for his books The Geography of Nowhere, a history of American suburbia and urban development, The Long Emergency, and Too Much Magic. GUEST OVERVIEW: Jim Burling. VP of Legal Affairs at Pacific Legal Foundation, has been litigating property rights, environmental, and land-use cases for over 40 years - and just wrote a […]
GUEST OVERVIEW: Mohammed Amin is Former Chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum. GUEST OVERVIEW: David Adelman is The People’s Lawyer.
GUEST OVERVCIEW: Fred Pawle is an Author, Broadcaster & Commentator. GUEST OVERVCIEW: Sam Ikin is a podcaster and investigative journalist based in Hobart. He’s also the host of The World’s End with Sam Ikin which you can find on YouTube and Rumble or on X at sam underscore Ikin (I K I N).