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Rep. Jamaal Bowman promoted conspiracy theories about 9/11, says he regrets spreading work of ‘cranks’

todayJanuary 30, 2024 19

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Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York spread conspiracy theories related to the 9/11 terror attacks on a blog before he was elected to Congress, and he says he regrets promoting the work of “cranks.”

The Daily Beast first reported on the resurfaced blog posts, including some poetry written by Bowman. He was working as a middle school principal at the time.

He replied by claiming that the posts were a part of a theoretical exercise.

“Well over a decade ago, as I was debating diving into a doctoral degree, I explored a wide range of books, films, and articles across a wide swath of the political spectrum and processed my thoughts in a personal blog that few people ever read,” Bowman responded.

The Daily Beast documented the conspiracy theory posts.

“2001/Planes used as missiles/Target: The Twin Towers,” he wrote in one poem. “Later in the day/Building 7/Also Collaspsed [sic]/Hmm…/Multiple explosions/Heard before/And during the collapse/Hmm…”

He went on to reference other conspiracy theories related to the other planes involved in the attack.

“Allegedly/Two other planes/The Pentagon/Pennsylvania/Hijacked by terrorist [sic]/Minimal damage done/Minimal debris found/Hmm…” read another poem.

The report noted that a report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology refutes the claim that other explosions were responsible for the collapse of building 7. They also note that the facts from the attack don’t match his representation that there was “minimal damage” and “minimal debris.”

He went on in the posts to recommend “Loose Change,” and “Zeitgeist,” both movies that spread conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks.

Bowman went on to attack supporters of former President Donald Trump in his statements about the Daily Beast report.

“I don’t believe anything that these cranks have said, and my life’s work has proven that,” he said. “As a Congressman, I’ve written a Congressional Resolution condemning a dangerous conspiracy theory, I’ve stood up to MAGA extremists, and I’ve called out the endless bulls*** of the far-right.”

Since winning a seat in Congress, Bowman has tweeted about 9/11 without referencing conspiracy theories.

He also said that he had learned about how misinformation spreads since posting the blog entries.

“I regret posting anything about any of these people,” he added. “Anyone who looks at my work today knows where I stand.”

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Written by: TNT Radio

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