The Dirk Pohlmann Show
The Dirk Pohlmann Show offers an informed and no-nonsense European view on geopolitics and the medias role in it.
closeThe Dirk Pohlmann Show offers an informed and no-nonsense European view on geopolitics and the medias role in it.
closeJoin us for this hard-hitting radio program, delivering concise commentary covering all the top stories internationally - from politics to geopolitics, to science and tech, and a bit of culture in between. Also expect some candid and iconic guest interviews.
closeServing up a diet of current affairs with a healthy dose of salt and light. Promoting truth and exposing lies, global and local. Highlighting and discussing issues mainstream media are paid to ignore.
closeMike Ryan tackles the onslaught of mumbo jumbo that masquerades as news and information in the age of pandemics and other manufactured crises. Mike interviews experts who can separate fact from fiction to help us make up our own minds on what is in the public interest.