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The Heartland’s Red State Rebellion Against the Establishment.

todayMarch 26, 2022 67

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America’s 2022 elections will see some of the most important contests take place in states that the Republican Party considers reliably red. In many of these states, corrupt and tired GOP establishment powerbrokers abuse the privilege of having an “R” after their name, and act like the party is still that of the Bushes, instead of the America First GOP of Donald J. Trump.

In recent days, Republican governors in two deeply conservative states – Utah and Indiana – rejected legislative bills to counter the insanity of gender confusion and prohibit males from invading female sports.

With his shameful veto, Indiana’s weak, establishment Governor Eric Holcomb proved, once again, that he is a fake conservative and a supplicant to big business, rather than a servant to the citizens of his state. He stopped a bill that easily passed the Indiana legislature which protects girls’ sports and upholds heartland values.

Unfortunately, Governor Holcomb himself will not face voters this Fall, but his allies will. One such crony is his hand-picked, appointed Secretary of State Holli Sullivan. She belongs to the Holcomb slate and shares responsibility for his Holcomb’s string of betrayals, from this veto to his aggressive courting of Afghan refugees for Indiana. Holcomb leads an establishment faction that includes Holli Sullivan and fails Indiana repeatedly.

In this case, the enormous public outcry against Holcomb did push Sullivan into making a tepid statement in favor of the bill, days after the controversy erupted. But this episode should remind Indiana Republican voters that Holli Sullivan has decided to remain silent on the most central issue facing any candidate for secretary of state: election sanctity.

In fact, on the pressing issue of the still-unresolved controversies of the 2020 presidential vote, her silence is deafening. When pressured by media to respond to President Trump’s evidence-based assertions regarding the massive problems of the 2020 presidential vote, Holli decided to punt. Here is the AP reporting on Sullivan regarding this issue:

“Amid the national debate over voting restrictions and election integrity, Sullivan decline to say whether she agreed with former President Donald Trump’s false claim of nationwide voter fraud in 2020.”

Unlike Sullivan, her America First challenger Diego Morales resolutely acknowledges that the 2020 election was marred by systemic flaws, especially in key swings states. Because of widespread anomalies and violations of law, Morales concurs with President Trump that the 2020 election was rigged. In his published article, he details the crucial “components of the scam” of 2020.

Diego embraces that red states like Indiana must become models of election sanctity for the nation, by insisting on voter ID, a return to paper ballots, and mail-in voting only for valid excuses such as hospitalization or military deployment. He also knows that establishment acquiescence will no longer suffice in the 2020’s. As such, Diego fights boldly in the political arena with the same bravery he displayed as a volunteer for the US Army.

Consistent with his America First approach and Indiana values, Morales forcefully condemned Governor Holcomb’s shameful promotion of gender confusions and radical ideology. He called on the state’s General Assembly to swiftly override Holcomb’s veto to protect the girls and women of Indiana immediately.

Hoosier values demand brave statewide officials who fully embrace the America First agenda and possess the character and gumption to stand tall against powerful interests, especially large corporations and donors. If the America First movement can fortify red states like Indiana, then the cause of populist nationalism grows stronger nationwide, swaying even states that formerly leaned Democrat.

This phenomenon unfolded in Virginia, a formerly reliably blue state that elected a new governor, Glenn Youngkin, who ran on decidedly conservative principles. If only the governors of Utah and Virginia had the vision and guts of Youngkin… or of Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. In contrast to Indiana’s Holcomb, DeSantis just boldly declared that men competing against females “is destroying opportunities for women.” DeSantis continued: “In Florida, we reject these lies.”

Part of defeating the Republican establishment in states like Indiana is retiring the coddled appointees of the GOP cowards, including Holli Sullivan. Her inaction and her silence on key issues, especially election sanctity, disqualify her from serving any longer as the secretary of state of Indiana.

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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