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Warren says Democrats could do poorly in elections

todayApril 19, 2022 45

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Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is warning that Democrats will perform poorly during the upcoming midterm elections unless they accomplish more of their policy objectives in the months ahead.

“Democrats win elections when we show we understand the painful economic realities facing American families and convince voters we will deliver meaningful change. To put it bluntly: if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed toward big losses in the midterms,” Warren warned in an opinion piece.

“Time is running short. We need to finalize a budget reconciliation deal, making giant corporations pay their share to fund vital investments in combating climate change and lowering costs for families, which can advance with only 50 Senate votes,” Warren wrote.

With Americans getting hammered by inflation and rising prices, the left could endure a drubbing during the 2022 election cycle. High fuel prices have been causing pain at the pump. President Joe Biden’s chronically poor job approval ratings could also prove to be a liability for Democrats.

Warren wrote that “to tackle the urgent challenges we face — climate change, income inequality, systemic injustice — we must root out corruption. To start cleaning up government, members of Congress and their spouses shouldn’t be allowed to own or trade individual stocks, which the vast majority of voters support banning, according to multiple polls.”

“We can also act quickly to rein in costs for middle-class families. In the very short term, that means stopping companies from jacking up prices to boost their profits. Price increases are driven by many factors, including pandemic disruptions to global supply chains and Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine,” she declared.

“We can stand up to the armies of lobbyists and P.R. flacks and tackle tax loopholes for the rich and powerful,” the lawmaker wrote.

Warren contended that President Joe Biden can take some actions without Congress — in the piece she continued pushing for Biden to cancel up to $50,000 of federal student loan debt per person.

“Decisive action on everything from lowering prescription drug prices to ensuring that more workers are eligible for overtime pay can be executed by the president alone, using the authority already given to him by existing laws, without rounding up 50 Senate votes,” Warren wrote in her opinion piece.

The lawmaker said that, “Democrats need to deliver more of the president’s agenda — or else we will not be in the majority much longer.”

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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