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Jordan Peterson calls out Mark Cuban

todayFebruary 28, 2024 28

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Jordan Peterson has called out Mark Cuban over the wealthy businessman’s apparent support of transgender ideology.

Cuban wrote to someone on X, “Dylan Mulvaney didn’t do a damn thing to you. You wouldn’t even know she existed if the media you follow didn’t make a big deal of it.” Last year, Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light faced significant backlash after Mulvaney promoted the beer.

Peterson responded to Cuban’s post by asserting that “Mulvaney popularized sterilization and mutilation for his own self-aggrandizement.”

Cuban responded, sharing screenshots of multiple posts in which Peterson had mentioned Mulvaney. “I think you have a crush on her,” Cuban wrote. “I stopped counting at 20 posts you made referencing her.”

But Peterson was not amused.

“You think this is cute and funny. I think it is glamourizing the worst medical malpractice since Auschwitz. You think that your tolerance abounds to your moral credit. I think that your allyship enables the sadistic psychopathic narcissists,” Peterson fired back.

“To clarify, since it seems necessary: as a cabaret act, on the margins, he’s fine–perhaps even amusing, in a rather pathetic and desperate attention-seeking manner,” Peterson added in another post.

But, Peterson continued, “as a role model–a ‘social influencer’ he’s crossed the line into perpetrator and it’s not the least bit funny anymore and neither is the moral virtue you claim for your support.” Peterson asserted, “It’s toxic compassion, Mr. Cuban: it costs you nothing to falsely elevate your reputation as loving, kind and oh-so tolerant. But others less fortunate are being sacrificed by the sadists and butchers your attitude enables.”

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Written by: TNT Radio

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