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Elon Musk’s stand against Brazilian autocracy reveals deep-state censorship

todayApril 11, 2024 18

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Why should you care about Elon Musk being held in contempt by a Brazilian Supreme Court justice? It turns out this story is the tip of a fascistic iceberg that is being funded by your taxpayer dollars. Michael Shellenberger recently released an incredible video showing the disturbing corruption happening in Brazil right now — the same kind that is taking hold in our own government. It’s shocking.

The justice who is holding Musk in contempt is Alexandre de Moraes, the key figure behind the country’s highly contested 2022 presidential election that ousted conservative President Jair Bolsonaro and elected the current socialist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, or Lula for short. Moraes unilaterally, without trial, shut down all speech questioning the outcome of the 2022 election. Sound familiar?

They can’t win on the battlefield of ideas, so they have to shut down the battlefield.

For context, here’s what the New York Times said about Moraes last year:

He is Brazil’s defender of democracy. Is he actually good for democracy? Alexandre de Moraes, a Brazilian Supreme Court justice, was crucial to Brazil’s transfer of power. But his aggressive tactics are prompting debate: Can one go too far to fight the far right?

Think of how unbelievable that question is. Moreover, why is it just the right? Shouldn’t they also be concerned about the radical left? More:

When Brazil’s highway police began holding up buses full of voters on Election Day, he ordered them to stop. When right-wing voices spread the baseless claim that Brazil’s election was stolen, he ordered them banned from social media.

And when thousands of right-wing protesters stormed Brazil’s halls of power this month, he ordered the officials who had been responsible for securing the buildings arrested.

As a result, in the face of antidemocratic attacks from Brazil’s former far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, and his supporters, Mr. de Moraes cleared the way for the transfer of power. To many on Brazil’s left, that made him the man who saved Brazil’s young democracy.

Yet to many others in Brazil, he is threatening it. Mr. de Moraes’s aggressive approach and expanding authority have made him one of the nation’s most powerful people, and also put him at the center of a complicated debate in Brazil over how far is too far to fight the far right. …

To many on Brazil’s left, that made him the man who saved Brazil’s young democracy.

Here are some of the things, according to the New York Times, that Moraes has done:

In the hunt for justice after the riot this month, he has become further emboldened. His orders to ban prominent voices online have proliferated, and now he has the man accused of fanning Brazil’s extremist flames, Mr. Bolsonaro, in his cross hairs. Last week, Mr. de Moraes included Mr. Bolsonaro in a federal investigation of the riot, which he is overseeing, suggesting that the former president inspired the violence.

Sound familiar? The article continues:

His moves fit into a broader trend of Brazil’s Supreme Court increasing its power — and taking what critics have called a more repressive turn in the process.

Moraes hasn’t stopped in his draconian crackdown on free speech. Over the weekend, Moraes told social media platforms Facebook, Google, and X that unless they hand over all consumer data of what people are posting, they would be banned in Brazil. Everyone complied except for Elon Musk. He rightly called Moraes a fascist. So did Michael Shellenberger, who said Brazil is becoming a fascistic dictatorship with this guy in charge.

If you remember, the left was saying Bolsonaro was a dictator. Now, to stop the “dictator” — who is already barred from running for office again until 2030 — they have become dictators themselves. This is the exact scenario that we were worried about here in America. But nobody seems to care. Nobody, that is, except the deep state.

Mike Benz recently exposed how the deep state is using your taxpayer dollars to control Brazil’s nationwide censorship campaign. He found that taxpayer-funded NGOs like the United States Agency for International Development and the National Endowment for Democracy are funding a plethora of domestic censorship groups in Brazil, and this funding goes back to the beginning of Bolsonaro’s term as president in 2019. The United States, through NGOs, took your tax dollars to fight against Bolsonaro the same way they did with Donald Trump.

In June 2019, the Atlantic Council, a corrupt globalist institution, convened a meeting about what to do about the rise of alleged “disinformation” in Brazil that was pro-Bolsonaro in nature. What a surprise! The Atlantic Council is a CIA “pass-through.” It even has seven former CIA directors on its board. It’s funded annually by the Pentagon, the State Department, and the National Endowment for Democracy, which is also a CIA cutout. In addition, many “university centers” and “civil society groups” in Brazil receive National Endowment for Democracy funding. This is proof that the CIA, State Department, and USAID directly funded Brazil’s censorship apparatus against Bolsonaro.

In 2019, social media was already censored in Brazil. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were hit hard by censors the same way they were in the United States. So Bolsonaro supporters switched to WhatsApp and Telegram to spread their messaging because they were basically kicked off Facebook.

Again, does any of this sound familiar?

But the deep state couldn’t tolerate Brazil’s citizens having conversations outside the government’s surveillance. The Atlantic Council and a bunch of these other CIA proxies targeted WhatsApp and Telegram and put pressure on the Brazilian government to crack down on “disinformation” on these platforms. And they caved. WhatsApp and Telegram censored Bolsonaro supporters who they deem “right-wing populous nationalists.” This is the work of the United States government.

When has an alleged U.S. ally ever threatened major American corporations and said, “Give us this stuff or you will be chased out of the country?” Why doesn’t our State Department say, “Excuse me, Brazil, we’ve been there for you. You do not hurt American corporations.” Who does Brazil think it is to tell us what American corporations can and can’t do, especially when it violates our own doctrines?

Those doctrines don’t matter any more. The deep state has its own agenda. As Pat Grey recently said on my show, “They can’t win on the battlefield of ideas, so they have to shut down the battlefield.”

Why do I want you to know about what’s happening in Brazil? You need to take it as a warning for where we are headed. Brazil’s Supreme Court now has the ultimate power. There are no checks or balances. Officials are putting people in jail without trial. The people don’t have a right to speak out. The government can tell companies exactly what to do or else shut them down. In the hunt for dictators, the government has become a dictatorship. That’s vital for everyone in America to understand.

People on the left say, “Democracy dies in darkness,” yet they are the ones who shut down all the freedoms that our country claims to stand for. They are the ones keeping us in the dark. What is happening in Brazil is what’s going to happen here if we don’t get out and vote. This is our future in America.

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Written by: TNT Radio

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