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Honduras violence: Congress erupts as MPs use Covid screens as shields in skirmish – VIDEO | World | News

todayJanuary 22, 2022 47

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Xiomara Castro’s left-leaning party, Libre, broke out into a fight after MPs rebelled and voted against Ms Castro’s choice of the congressional president. Luis Redondo was due to be elected after an agreement was made with her coalition partner, the Honduras Saviour Party (PSH), was reached. But fighting erupted after around 20 Libre party members did not back Mr Redondo and instead backed Jorge Calix who was then subsequently elected which caused chaos in the congress’ halls.

As Mr Calix was being sworn in, shouts of “traitor” and “Xiomara” could be heard with projectiles being thrown towards the front of the room.

Objects and drinks were tossed around, forcing some people to grab the Covid screens placed on the tables in front of them to use as shields.

Mr Calix fled the building after the fights broke out among MPs.

President-elect Castro later tweeted: “The betrayal is complete.”

Ms Castro also said she had expelled the 18 lawmakers who had rebelled.

Ms Castro is the first woman president of Honduras after being voted into power on November 28.

Her election victory brought an end to the National Party’s 12-year rule and agreed with her coalition partner, PSH, that a member from PSH would be given the role of congress president.

But the rebellion now means Jorge Calix, from Libre, is now the congress president.

PSH leader, Salvador Nasralla, stepped down from the presidential race and threw their support behind Ms Castro to win.

Ms Castro will be sworn in on January 27 with US Vice President Kamala Harris attending.

Mr Abu Yahya attacked Mr Dughmi and said he was “unable to run the show”, adding he knew “nothing”.

Mr Dughmi responded and said: “Shut up and leave the hall.”

Tensions boiled over as politicians began pulling and punching each other with the session dismissed until another time.

The fight, which took place on December 28, was made worse after the session was being broadcast live in millions of homes on the Al-Mamlaka television channel.

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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