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Doctor Tells Health Minister ‘Science Isn’t Strong Enough’ to Enforce Mandatory Vaccination.

todayJanuary 8, 2022 56

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British Health Secretary Sajid Javid was caught off guard by a National Health Service doctor who told him on camera that the science behind mandatory COVID-19 vaccines “isn’t strong enough”.

Dr. Steve James – currently unvaccinated and working as a consultant anesthetist at the King’s College Hospital in London – told Javid that he has had COVID-19, has the antibodies for COVID-19, and has been working safely with patients since the beginning of the pandemic.

Dr. James was working on the intensive care unit when Javid asked him his thoughts on Britain’s new rules requiring vaccinations for NHS workers.

“I’m not happy about that. I had COVID at some point. I’ve got antibodies, and I’ve been working on COVID ICU since the beginning,” James replied, before saying, “I’ve not had a vaccination, I do not want a vaccination.”

He continued, “The vaccines are reducing transmission only for about eight weeks for Delta. With Omicron, it’s probably less. And for that, I would be dismissed if I don’t have a vaccine? The science isn’t strong enough.”

Javid attempted to provide a reply, but completely ignored James’s comment regarding the lack of scientific evidence to support a vaccine mandate. Javid instead fell back on opinions, saying “I respect that, but there are also many different views.”

To this, James suggested that Javid – a former banker who also opposed Brexit – should nuance the rules to allow those who have naturally-derived antibodies to not be required the vaccine, saying “the protection that I’ve got from transmission is probably the equivalent to someone who is vaccinated.”

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James noted that many of his colleagues feel similarly. In 2020, the NHS issued warnings to staff that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was a risk for those with a history of allergic reactions.

The incident was caught on camera by Sky News and can be viewed below.


CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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