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Katie Britt gives Republican response to State of the Union

todayMarch 8, 2024 46

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GOP Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama delivered the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday.

During his remarks, Biden claimed the state of the union is “strong and getting stronger.”

But Britt said, “Under his administration families are worse off, our communities are less safe, and our country is less secure.”

“The American people are scraping by while President Biden proudly proclaims that Bidenomics is working,” she said. “Bless his heart. We know better.”

Britt, who took office last year, slammed the president’s border policies.

“President Biden’s border policies are a disgrace. This crisis is despicable. And the truth is it is almost entirely preventable,” she said after telling the horrific story of a woman she had met.

“She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at the age of 12. She told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped. The cartels put her on a mattress in a shoebox of a room, and they sent men through that door over and over again for hours and hours on end. We wouldn’t be OK with this happening in a third-world country. This is the United States of America, and it is past time in my opinion that we start acting like it,” Britt declared.

“From fentanyl poisonings, to horrific murders, there are empty chairs tonight at kitchen tables just like this one because of President Biden’s senseless border policies.”

“Right now, our commander in chief is not in command,” the senator declared, describing Biden as “a dithering and diminished leader.”

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Written by: TNT Radio

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