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Mail-In Ballot Use Down 90% In Georgia.

todayMay 20, 2022 37

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Voters appear to be rejecting mail-in ballots, with data from early primary states showing significant decreases in Americans relying on the voting method for the 2020 election.

The figures come from a new Associated Press report, which noted that “voters in early primary states are returning in droves to in-person voting this year.”

In Georgia, which was a hotbed of voter fraud during the 2020 election season, roughly 85,000 voters had requested mail ballots for the May 24th primary. This was down from the nearly 1 million voters who used vote-by-mail in the state’s 2020 primary at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, totaling a nearly 92 percent decrease.

“The trend was similar in Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia, which held primaries this month; comparisons were not available for Nebraska, another early primary state,” added the Associated Press.

The level of mail-in ballot usage appears to track closely to 2018 levels, deviating from the record-high use of the voting method, which is notoriously rife with fraud.

The Associated Press attributed the shift to “a year and a half of former President Donald Trump and his allies pushing false claims about mail voting to explain his loss to Democrat Joe Biden,” defending mail-in ballots as secure and branding fears about their potential for fraud as unfounded.

In 2020, however, the Associated Press admitted that the voting method has caused “high-profile errors”:

[Mail-in voting] has featured high-profile errors — 100,000 faulty mail ballots sent out in New York, 50,000 in Columbus, Ohio, and a vendor supplying that state and Pennsylvania blaming delays on sending ballots on overwhelming demand.

Statistical analysis from the 2020 election also shows anomalies and irregularities, exclusively in favor of then-candidate Biden. The rapid shift to mail-in voting was exacerbated by hundreds of millions of dollars in grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which used virtually all of its election-specific grants to ensure a Biden victory

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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