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Nightmare neighbour in South Cave East Yorkshire waves iron bar at mum | UK | News

todayFebruary 9, 2022 49

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The 57-year-old woman, who doesn’t want to be named, is “disgusted” at the months of alleged antisocial behaviour and abuse. Several incidents have been caught on camera at the mother’s home in South Cave, East Yorkshire, after the council urged the family to get evidence of the threats.

The neighbour, said to be an elderly woman, is seen in one shocking clip waving a metal bar in a threatening manner.

Speaking to Hull Live, the alleged victim said: “We moved in last March and from last March, she has done nothing but keep going at us.

“We had to have the police down two weeks ago. We caught her on the camera, she was hosepiping the front room windows of ours.

“She said she hadn’t done it, the police saw what she’d done.”

The woman said the neighbour has since paid to have the windows cleaned, but soon reverted to her hostile behaviour after the police left.

“That night, she started again,” the mum continued.

“She came in front of the windows and started mouthing off.”

Last month, recording equipment was loaned by the council in order to provide evidence of claimed loud noise from the problem neighbour.

The mother continued: “I mean, I was brought up to respect my elders. Even my daughter, I’ve told her, even if she sees any one of these out here and they’re in difficulty, to go out and help them.

“You know, it’s disgusting the way we’ve been treated.”

The mum alleged the neighbour has also made threats to her daughter.

The mum and daughter have been in contact with the police and council over the neighbour’s behaviour.

South Cave, approximately 13 miles west of Hull, is a small historical village. It comes under the unitary authority of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, which has been under Tory power since 2007.

A spokesman for the authority said: “The council takes all complaints regarding antisocial behaviour extremely seriously and will investigate all complaints when possible to do so.

“Further dialogue with the tenant will take place this week as originally planned.”

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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