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Obese Kids More Likely to be Hospitalized With COVID-19.

todayJanuary 7, 2022 21

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A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that childhood obesity and severe obesity are the most prevalent comorbidities in children admitted to hospital with COVID-19. The research looked at data from six major hospitals, concluding that almost 62 percent of children (age 12-17) admitted with COVID-19 were described as being severely obese or obese.

The latest information confirms reports from National Pulse editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam, first made nearly two years ago on the War Room: Pandemic show, at beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak.

A majority of adolescents in the study were severely obese (60.5 percent). Amongst children aged between five and 11, 33.6 percent were obese. Two-thirds of patients admitted had at least one comorbidity, suggesting that healthy children who aren’t severely obese are largely safe from COVID-19.

While authorities perpetually insist young children be vaccinated against COVID-19, the science suggests that being healthy is actually the best way to ensure children won’t be hospitalized from the likely bioweapon-turned-virus.

The authors of the study further noted that obese children required higher levels and longer duration of care, and that obesity was the most significant underlying condition leading to complicated from COVID-19.

For obese children, the median length of stay in hospital was four days, with 41.1 percent with obesity needing to be transferred the intensive care unit. For all children in all age groups, the median length of stay was three days.

The authors further mentioned “these findings are consistent with previous reports and highlight the importance of obesity and other medical conditions as risk factors for severe COVID-19 in children and adolescents.”

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The study surveyed 915 hospital admissions for children under the age of 18. All of the hospitals were situated in the American south. With the proportions of children with obesity is technically higher in the south, the findings still go a long way to proving that being overweight is a significant comorbidity when contracting COVID-19.

To date, no one from the Biden regime, including Dr. Fauci, has urged parents or children to reduce their obesity in order to help fight the impacts of COVID-19.

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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