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Recent Afghan Migrant Convicted of Sexual Abuse on 3-Year-Old in Virginia.

todayJanuary 27, 2022 74

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An Afghan refugee recently admitted into the United States has been convicted of sexually abusing a three-year-old girl in Virginia, according to local news reports.

Mohammed Tariq, a 24-year-old Afghan national who came to the U.S. following President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from the county, tried to argue through his interpreters that pedophilic behavior was acceptable in his culture.

While being housed at Camp Upshur on Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia, “United States Marines observed the defendant inappropriately touching the victim over her clothing, on her chest, genitals, and buttocks,” explained the Department of Justice.

“The victim and Tariq were unrelated, however, both Tariq and the victim and her family had recently been evacuated from Afghanistan and brought to the United States,” added the summary of the case.

“This case is indicative of law enforcement’s commitment to ensure the safety of immigrant and refugee members of our community,” said Jessica D. Aber, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

“It is the resilience and courage of the victim and her family in speaking out against this offender that is truly emblematic of the contributions refugees and immigrants make to our country,” added Aber, who was recently appointed to the post by President Biden.

“People who come to our country seeking haven from tyranny and terrorism deserve to live here in safety. I want to thank the Marines and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for their commitment to upholding that ideal,” she continued.

Tariq faces a maximum term of life in prison when sentenced on April 26th, 2022.

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The case also follows record numbers of illegal immigrants – including convicted pedophiles and rapists – attempting to enter the U.S. via its southern border. It also comes amidst scrutiny over the Biden White House’s handling of its hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, which included the termination of a State Department program aimed at safely evacuating Americans from at-risk countries.

In January 2016, then-Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam warned that a Democrat in the Oval Office would commit the same if not worst immigration-related atrocities as Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel had during the 2015 migrant crisis.

The situation in Europe became so prevalent that the public began referring to the migrant-driven sexual assaults as a “rapefugee” crisis.

Presciently, Kassam – now Editor in Chief of The National Pulse, told Sean Hannity at the time: “Merkel isn’t the only dumpy old hag thats for mass migration… If Hilary is elected, you can see her doing exactly what Angela Merkel has done… Can you imagine what a left wing party would do in the United States of America?… She brought in 1.5 million – You’d take 20 million in heart beat.”

“This is what you need to be concerned about,” Kassam said, five years ago. “If Germany seems like a long way away, it is really not. If it’s happening in Western Europe today, it’s happening in American tomorrow.”

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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