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Royal Family poll results: ‘Camilla all too happy for Kate to take spotlight!’ | Royal | News

todayMarch 4, 2022 39

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In a poll that ran from midday on Thursday, March 3, to 9am on Friday, March 4, asked: “Do you think it’s fair for Kate to be the most prominent royal woman when Camilla will be the next Queen?” A total of 1,616 people voted, and dozens left comments below the poll sharing their thoughts on the matter.

Overall, the vast majority of voters said “yes”, it was fair for Kate to be the most prominent royal woman, with 87 percent of voters (1,398) picking this option. 

A further 12 percent of voters (194) said “no”, while just one percent (24) said they didn’t know. 

In the comments left in the discussion below the poll, it is clear that readers feel Kate is entitled to her position as the most prominent royal woman in the Royal Family, but the two women will work well alongside each other.

Username JanetWCQ1958 said: “No, it’s inevitable that more attention will be on the young and beautiful Duchess of Cambridge and I think Camilla will probably understand that. 

 “She is going to be the next Queen Consort and Catherine will then be Princess of Wales. They seem to get on well and I think they are more likely to work together than against each other.”

Username Goldielover said in reply:  “Agreed. There’s plenty of room for both. They each have their own causes they like to support. 

“I also suspect that Camilla may actually prefer the media spotlight to be on Kate rather than herself.”

Others praised Camilla’s attitude and work ethic with username bettyb writing: “I think Camilla is all too happy to allow Catherine this spot.

“She doesn’t seem the kind to seek publicity or to be upset when others receive it. Good for Camilla.”

And username Catyanna said: “Camilla does many solo engagements and works hard for her patronages.

“They will both be prominent and I don’t think Camilla requires the limelight, that is what has made her a good partner for Charles.”

Meanwhile, others looked towards the future of the monarchy in their arguments.

Username Londonlady1965 said: “Given Camila’s age I doubt she will want to take on lots of work especially tours so she’s probably thankful Kate is going to step up more.

“I very much doubt Camila will be jealous or feel insulted that Kate receives better press attention than her.”

And username Goldielover pointed out that this trend of younger royals being more prominent has occurred in the past.

They said: “It’s normal. They’re well aware that people tend to follow the younger members. They’ve exploited that in the past, and they are doing it again.

“Queen Mary, while Princess of Wales, often overshadowed the ageing Queen Alexandra.

The press paid more attention to the then Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip than they did George VI in his later years. Charles and Diana got way more media attention than the Queen.

“The same thing is happening again. It’s how they show what the continuity of the royal family will be.”

The Duchess of Cambridge is expected to make semi-regular appearances without Prince William by her side – including solo engagements while on tour together.

The Queen announced in her Platinum Jubilee message that Camilla will be known as Queen Consort when Prince Charles becomes King.

It was previously thought she would be known as Princess Consort, as was indicated at the time of their marriage in 2005.

CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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