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Wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates ‘Supporting’ Communist Party, ‘Willing To Serve Socialist’ Goals.

todayJanuary 11, 2022 55

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A new application to work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology reveals that candidates must “support the leadership of the Communist Party of China” and be “willing to serve the socialist modernization” in addition to passing a political review.

The application, which devotes a section to how active-duty members of China’s military can apply for “targeted training,” follows the National Institutes of Health confirming Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the lab.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s exclusion of non-Chinese Communist Party supporting candidates is evidenced in an October post on its Chinese-language website: “Enrollment Guide for Doctoral Candidates of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2022.”

The second requirement listed as one of six  “application conditions and requirements” details the political qualifications of prospective Wuhan Institute of Virology doctoral students. They must “support the leadership” of the Chinese Communist Part, have “the correct political orientation” and “be willing to serve the socialist modernization”:

“Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political orientation, love the motherland, be willing to serve the socialist modernization, abide by disciplines and laws, and have good conduct.”

The webpage also includes five attachments containing the components of an application to work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which includes a “Political Review Form.”

The document, which evaluates a candidate’s loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party by asking a series of political questions, is “stamped with the official seal of the party committee of the candidate’s unit, the party branch of the college or department or the official seal of the archives department” upon completion.

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The form inquires “have you ever served as a group or class cadre,” referring to a leadership or recruitment position within the Chinese Communist Party. A separate section explains:

Please tick “√” for the unit’s political review opinions (including awards and sanctions, attitude and performance towards major political struggles)

Among the questions are “has the candidate participated in the activities of the “Falungong” cult” and “whether the candidate has participated in religious, superstition and other activities.”

The application also contains a section for “candidates who intend to apply for targeted training,” where the lab explains the process for applicants who are also “active-duty military personnel”:

Candidates for active-duty military personnel shall go through the registration procedures in accordance with the regulations of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s inclusion of military candidates underscores the lab’s ties to the People’s Liberation Army, which it has attempted to erase from its website.


CREDIT: Original Article Source

Written by: TNT Radio

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